A way politically to get what is best for the country is to have an alliance of quality candidates and members independent of the mainstream parties
with the balance of power. They can block bad legislation, but
allow good legislation through, and lobby the government to introduce
better legislation, for their continued support.
The candidates need to focus on a much wider range of win-win policies
than they are currently doing so they can gain more support from a
variety of groups. A wide range of these win-win policies would
also greatly benefit the country. Examples are listed further
down the page under the "Win-Win Policies" heading.
Another way to change the country for the better is to submit a
petition with the signatures of at least one million voters demanding
change to the Constitution so that the people can initiate referenda to
amend the Constitution. Papers are available about this.
Previous minor parties and groups stood for good agendas, but had policies that attracted media criticism.
An example is where the public and media perceive them as racist
and anti conservation. These perceptions would be overcome if the activists embraced ways rarely thought of,
which both preserve our Christian based culture and allow beneficial or
necessary development, yet still support conservation and a method of
immigration which would benefit the country. Details are below.
A new start is needed. Good groups and parties whose names have been damaged should dissolve to form a new united alliance that eliminates corruption and infighting.
The public would need to be assured that past mistakes won't
happen again. A new alliance with no tainted name would make it
so much easier to gain members.
Members should help each other,
such as by sharing each others information, even if they stated "I do
not agree with everything, but it is still well worth reading".
Public opinion can then change some member's views. Many of
their ideas still could be used. People should band together and
focus on what they unite on.
Good activists make the mistake of focusing on the same issues so much that they do not get time for other important issues
that people would vote on. People already know what core issues
they are lobbying for, so more repetition is a waste of time.
There would be more chance of the core issues that they desire
being achieved if they publicized and supported a wider range of issues which people would want to vote on. This is because quality members would gain the balance of power.
Win-Win Policies
below policies and ideas are only an example of what could be
used. Some could be added, and others removed, depending on what
people in an alliance agree on:
More even wealth distribution and support for the less well off, provided the money is used wisely. Less taxes,
fees and charges should apply for them. This would include small
businesses, volunteers, carers and pensioners or unemployed people, if
they volunteer a good cause.
Reduce wages and bonuses for the wealthy and close tax loopholes that enable wealthy people to avoid tax.
Lower costs and better efficiency in the ways described below would be better than higher wages and
that will help everyone. The cost of wages is too high for
struggling small business, and as a result they do not employ many
people. Australia has higher wages than most other countries, so
it would make more sense to reduce costs instead of increasing wages,
so that we can become more internationally competitive.
More support should be given for good new startup companies and inventors of useful products which could earn the country many billions of dollars, create many jobs, and solve many problems.
This could be restricted to businesses that are struggling to make a profit but have potential. Two main ways would really help them. One is a more effective and flexible system where the government subsidises employees wages so startup businesses do not have to bear the full burden of the crippling cost of wages. The other is to form or find a large database of honest companies and organisations to help inventors and startups.
For example, by manufacturing, marketing and investing in their
products. Also companies and organisations need to be found who
can economically help promote their businesses and inventions to
companies on the database that are likely to be interested.
Support a greater diversity of industries
and encourage people to diversify, so that if one industry fails people
will have some hope and move on to something else. Give people
the impression that a major established industry is not the be all and
end all and that even if they do fail, there are alternatives and hope
for people.
More right should be given for employees to negotiate with employers without union involvement.
Shorter working hours where they are too long. This would encourage more people to be employed.
Stop the GST which is illegal constitutionally and could be overturned on legal ground if there is enough support. Abolish all taxes that slow productivity or add costs to goods or services.
More referendums or plebiscites on important issues to coincide with elections.
Encourage forgiveness instead of litigation.
Cap public liability insurance and restrict what can be claimed.
Encourage people to agree not to sue for lower entrance fees at
public events. This could easily be done by signing a simple
document upon entry.
Less duplication, inefficiency and waste especially in the legal system. Abolish unnecessary government departments.
A fair and honest justice system that only uses reliable evidence. A fair trial.
Instead of putting harmless people in prison, they should be encouraged to work for a period without pay doing community service, or fined if they have money. If there is no doubt that they are guilty, offenders of serious crimes
such as murder and rape should be given the death penalty unless they
repent. For thieves, home detention should be used until they are
rehabilitated. They should be made to work hard to repay their victims
double of what they took.
There should be tougher laws to prevent fraud, poor service, poor products, tax evasion and dishonesty, and greater protection for honest people.
Take a greater stance against corruption and non Christian values, including gambling, homosexuality and prostitution.
Fewer emphases on money and a greater one on sharing, helping people and providing a good product or service Encourage people to volunteer
by saying that if they do volunteer they are a greater benefit to
society than a paid worker who does not use their money for a good
Encourage people to leave ungodly, unpractical or unhealthy industries and move to better ones.
An unhealthy product or industry may continue, but the industry should
use their produce for better purposes instead of the current method
that harms health. More innovation and value adding to use
products for alternative uses.
Unhealthy products like junk food should be taxed much more and the
money used to subsidize healthy products. This could encourage
people to eat less unhealty foods like sugar and reduce the cost of
healthier alternatives. Doing this could also save billions of
dollars regarding health care.
Encourage more honest quality Christian immigrants
to come to Australia and settle in the rural areas so those areas can
be stimulated. We need a greater diversity of quality people in
Australia with more skills. Small business will then be able to
find suitable people to work for them, and their chances of success
would increase. More jobs will therefore be created for the
current Australians. At the same time we need to preserve a
Christian culture.
Refuges and immigrants should be welcomed but only under strict
conditions so they will benefit the country. They would have to
agree not to promote or build places of worship to any other religions
or gods apart from Christianity and in accordance to the teachings of
the Bible. People that are not religious could still be welcome
so long as they keep an open mind to the truth. People would need
to adopt a culture compatible with the Australian culture. They
should also be able to speak English well or learn to do so as soon as
they enter our country.
More humane treatment is needed for refugees
in detention. They should be moved into houses in a special
isolated settlement, and made to work hard providing cheap labor to
help community groups and small businesses. This would raise
government revenue and help reduce costs to struggling small businesses
and the needy. This would help them survive, so that more jobs
could be provided to ordinary Australians. It would have to be
ensured that the wealthy or larger companies would not be able to
access this cheap labor. If the illegal immigrants proved that they
have changed to an Australian, Christian culture with plans to benefit
the country, they could be permitted freedom. If they refused to
change, they could remain detained in the settlement to provide a cheap
source of labor. This would save the expense of returning them to
their homeland. More money would then be available to spend on
coastal protection, to prevent unwanted, illegal immigrants, and to
prosecute the traffickers. This method would overcome the public
perception of racism and the practice of sending people back to their
homeland to be tortured. Undesirable people would not mix with
and erode our Christian based culture.
Stop the country borrowing at interest, and develop a non profit bank
to provide interest free loans to poor people who plan to start a
useful project or small business. The cost to help the bank
remain running would be aided by borrowers that earn a profit or a high
wage after they have repaid their loan. Regulation is needed to
stop banks charging fees to the needy.
Stop aid to corrupt governments who misappropriate it. Instead give the money to honest Christian charity groups, that will help the poor.
More useful education
in schools with a greater variety of practical subjects. People
should not be forced to study what they are not interested in. It
would be more efficient to get them studying something that they are
interested in.
Encourage military training for young people instead of overeducating them with unpractical subjects.
The right for honest, non violent people to retain firearms.
A more efficient and effective defense force that does not waste money.
Reduce media violence.
Stricter regulation to insure that the media is independent and
honest, and serves the people. More quality educational and
informative programs instead of poor quality or fictitious ones.
More free publicity for innovative and useful small businesses and
projects that help people.
Either prosecute or give community service to those that deliberately send untargeted email after being warned.
Less influence for multinationals and more encouragement to small businesses. Tax incentives to encourage people to invest in honest and useful small businesses instead of multinationals.
Greater restrictions on the size, pricing and trading hours of multinationals to ensure protection of small businesses.
Instead of competition we need more fair regulation,
with a rightfully regulated fair go for everyone. Competition
harms small businesses and causes their destruction, which will mean a
lower diversity of quality goods and services. Similar small
businesses should work together and help one another instead of competing. Fair price control
would be a good idea and save shoppers a lot of time trying to find the
best price, and also encourage people to buy from small businesses.
We need to overturn the current economical rationalism such as privatization and free trade that is destroying the county. Lobby against international agreements that give banks and multinationals more control of our sovereignty and assets.
Only import goods that are locally unavailable, or uneconomical to produce.
Remove unnecessary government red tape and regulation. Increase fair regulation.
Maintain a fair floor price for small primary producers to ensure their survival and stop unfair profiteering from retailers and middle men.
Ensure that landholders don't overcharge and make excessive profits from rent.
Housing for all citizens. Homelessness to be taken more seriously. Allow more land subdivision and affordable housing where needed.
Support conservation instead of the controlling enviro-nazi-ism
which some green groups are supporting to the disadvantage of many.
Encourage landholders to plant trees in appropriate places with the
right to clear regrowth if necessary. However, to win over green
voters, encourage innovative land management so that clearing of
vegetation is minimized as much as possible. Greater incentive and
possible tax concessions are needed to educate landholders to develop
environmental regeneration programs, which would increase soil
fertility and production.
National parks are becoming overrun with weeds and feral animals, due
to a lack of maintenance after landholders are forced to leave. Instead
of too many of these parks we should encourage small responsible,
conservation minded landholders to manage environmentally sensitive
areas so they are conserved.
Revegetate areas, such as waterways, with the native vegetation to
enable wildlife corridors. Native trees should also be planted in
timber plantations to enable biodiversity and high quality timber.
Allow free access to parks for responsible people, and keep roads open,
except maybe in wet weather if the road is unsealed. A new invention
can now cheaply seal roads.
Instead of banning or charging a levy for cheap waterproof disposable shopping bags, penalize people
who litter more. Find and use bags
that are cheap, waterproof and durable to use but break down at
the molecular level more quickly after they are disposed of than the
widely used plastic bags. Encourage recycling, where economical.
People should
use biodegradable bags, but should still have an option to access non
biodegradable ones which are necessary on some occasions to store
Enable beneficial projects that will do minimum harm to the environment
and provide proof how little they will harm the environment.
We need more water storage, especially as the population grows, but to
win support from green voters we need to encourage technology that
saves water so that less expensive dams need to be built.
Instead of banning or restricting industries of value, we should
encourage technology such as fish farming, plantation timber and
organic farming so that everyone would win.
Encourage more efficient and environmentally friendly energy. A diverse
range of renewable energy could be used. Many efficient energy systems
have been suppressed. We need to help innovators more to get these
technologies used.
If there is an over population of a species that adversely affects
humans, it should either be relocated where practical (eg flying
foxes). However, a cull may be needed for a large overall number of
harmful animals, as in the case of crocodiles. Trophy hunters would be
interested in paying money to hunt them and the money could be used to help the environment. Crocodiles could still remain
fully protected in some areas. This would help tourism and the funds
could be diverted into managing national parks which are currently
under funded.
There is more information and many more innovative ideas including ways to increase road safety.
click here.
It is important to also read:
The Secret to Forming a New Political Alliance or Party that will Gain Support.
Important Survey to Help Australia.
For more information please contact: Richard Hole, 9 Leonard St, Tolga 4882, Ph 074095 4354 or 074095 5447. Click here for email address.
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Index and summary. Also a worldwide lobby group. Click here.
There are solutions, hope and also many true conspiracies. See how we can form a much better independent system. Click here.