Summary of Rare Information and Solutions

Solutions and warnings about our problems.

These websites or free paper booklets contain suppressed and summarized information that is vital to know, including:

A new group with a more efficient and enjoyable system.
 New groups with ideas to help many people. Solutions for a better system.
A lobby group with the country's solutions.</A>
 A lobby group with the country’s solutions.
Unique inventions and an inventors club.
 Unique inventions with advantages.
Inventors Assistance Society
 Inventors Assistance Society
A way to test and find ways to improve your memory.
 A way to test and find ways to improve your memory.
Weather organization.
 Weather organization.
Information on the safe, picturesque town where I live.
 Information on the safe, picturesque town where I live.
True conspiracies with solutions.
 True conspiracies with solutions.
Does prayer make a noticeable difference?
 Does prayer make a noticeable difference?

more efficient and enjoyable system  New groups are planned to provide a more efficient and enjoyable system, where everyone in the groups would be well off. Although it would be independent of the mainstream system, we could still make our service available to the mainstream community. A more efficient and flexible system would mean that more time would be available for members in the group to share ideas with others not in the group, so they can be encouraged to join.
      Independent groups could be formed researching and testing many things such as suppressed inventions or discoveries that are claimed to be dramatically better than what is widely available. We could help many people benefit from them and help people promote good products. Evidence exists for many extraordinary ideas and inventions that have been suppressed, such as free or more efficient energy systems, methods to improve the brain's performance and natural drug free cures. They could help a lot of people by saving them considerable time and money, and offering them more joy and hope.
      We could also research and search for Extraordinary people. They would help us considerably, as their knowledge could reveal important truths and information to help us find what we need. They could work with us so that much more would be achieved. For example, one group could try to find people with amazing natural abilities. Another group could try to find those who are obviously supernaturally led and helped by God in practical ways, such as by finding what they need and making the correct decisions. They could pray for us and help us to do likewise.
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lobby group contains innovative political solutions for the country  There is a way to restore democracy and prosperity. An alliance of candidates that agree on many good core issues could be formed, where candidates could still remain independent or in their party and keep their own policies in order to serve their own electorate. People could work together and focus on what they agree on, even if some of their policies differ. An alliance would have more chance than many independents of finding media support and sponsors, especially if the alliance promotes good core policies that candidates would agree on. This would enable widespread advertising.
     It is important to only implement policies after gaining majority support from the public. A survey would help candidates see what policies the public want. These policies would increase the chances of candidates being elected. I could email you the survey or file that prints on one sheet paper.
     A wide variety of exciting solutions and win-win policies is needed to convince the multitude of voters whose support would be needed for the alliance to politically threaten the government. Many of these policies that people do not often think of are listed at .
     Just some of the issues that should win votes would include: a more fair system of wealth distribution to help needy hard working people. Support for inventors with useful technology to solve our problems. More fair regulation to help the needy including, small businesses and volunteers, while at the same time reducing bad regulation, tax loop holes and corruption. Solutions to improve the environment that will not hinder landholders or the economy. Opposition to harmful globalization. More regulated, quality immigration. Lower costs and fairer taxation. Support good local industries and products.
     Changes can be made based on public opinion. It would be appreciated if you could share a letter or survey that I could send you. They are also on the website.
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inventions The inventions at have huge advantages over other similar products. They are practical, and save time and money. I spent years designing many inventions below. I would like to put any profits back into the community and offer free products to those that are not well off. The inventions include:
     1. A Bible tab invention, that can find a verse in approximately 4 seconds, and it can be simply adapted to your existing Bible. The system is beneficial even if you already have tabs or indentations in your Bible.
     2. A similar alphabetical indexer to the Bible tabs that find the second letter of a word.
     3. Temperature controlling featherlight tents, which are probably the world's lightest series of tents.
     4. An improved soap holder with a deep tray to prevent soap spilling.
     5. A water saving irrigation sensor that is more accurate and durable than competing systems. The affordable unit saves time and money and achieves optimum plant growth. The sensor automatically overrides existing systems like computer timers when irrigation is unnecessary.
     6. Thermal, super-light emergency survival suits.
     7. A hanging weather instrument shelter that has advantages over competing systems because it is simpler to install, as it could easily hang on a clothes line or fence. The shelter is very easy to open and clean. It provides more accurate shade temperature readings than other shelters. A thermometer probe is mounted inside it, and the thermometer display can be hung underneath the shelter out of the weather.
     8. An instrument to measure wind speed that has advantages. It is low cost, mechanical and reliable. It remains accurate even if the pole leans in the wind. Therefore a tree can be used to support it. This would save building an expensive mast. It records the maximum speed and can be easily reset from the ground.
     9. A horizontal pointer and spirit level. It is very light, low cost and accurate instrument that determines a point horizontal to one in the distance. It has a dual purpose as it can be used as a spirit level.
     10. A cool air backpack or baby carrier frame. It is adaptable to existing packs and allows extra ventilation, cooling and comfort to one's back and shoulders.
     11. A cool air back rest for car seats and chairs. It allows extra ventilation, comfort and cooling to one's back.
      Other inventions are being developed.
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Inventors Assistance Society  The Inventors Assistance Society aims to assist inventors. The more they contribute to the society, the more assistance they will get. An aim is to search for a list of honest companies, investors and organizations to assist inventors. Do you know of any lists?
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memory test The memory test site is a simple method to test your memory by memorizing strings of letters on different web pages that redirect in 5 seconds. After the pages redirect, you write down the letters, and measure your progress over a period of time. The challenge is to find foods, therapies or techniques to improve your memory. Many people imagine things work. This method helps people to prove it. Also it can warn people of the onset of Dementia or Alzheimer's Disease. Do you know anything that can definitely help memory, comprehension or concentration?
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weather network is a weather network where anyone can freely join and share their weather information. The aim is to form a group of people interested in providing their local weather records on the Internet so that more detailed information is available than there is currently. This will help weather forecasting.
     I am currently graphing out weather data at my home. The information is automatically uploaded to the website. Accurate instruments are used.
     This system has advantages over many others as it easily enables seeing great details of weather trends over many days at a glance.
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Tolga contains information and photographs of the beautiful, safe area of the world where I live. The area is well worth visiting. It escapes many problems in the world such as natural disasters, wars, and terrorist attacks. The air is fresh because it is a country area. However, it is reasonably close to major towns and cities that provide services.
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conspiracies not only contains a summary of many proven and true conspiracies with references, but it also offers solutions and hope. People are not aware of many conspiracies because they are not explained in other articles in a similar manner. They affect almost all of us because many teachings are ground into society through the media and education system to deceive the masses. For example, people are deceived that they have to seek money and paid work in a corrupted system and spend the money on unnecessary things. The obsession to gain excessive money means that many people are spending or losing a lot of time and money to try to find paid professions that are corrupted, inefficient and difficult to find. As a result people are not spending time to find and share the truth. Also they are not benefiting the community with productive work, such as by volunteering and sharing. Instead, they are becoming more indebted to and controlled by the international bankers which are part of the global conspiracy to control the world. The conspirators fund evil and wasteful projects and create problems including wars, so the world becomes more indebted and controlled by them. As prophesized in the Bible, the conspirators plan to raise up a one world dictator who will initially deceive the masses that he is a man of peace, and convince them to accept a satanic mark on their right hand or foreheads, in order to buy or sell. It is important not to receive the mark, but to group together to form a separate and much better Christian based system. Our group does not have to be large.
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Christian contains articles with suppressed truths many need to know but are not aware of. It gives Bible references and detailed proof to expose many deceptions in the mainstream church. Common deceptions include ones on salvation and hell.
     The aim is to form a group of committed believers like the Apostles. I am inviting Christians to come to visit or work with us so that we can pray for and minister to people who need help. I also plan some other practical projects.
     The Bible states that there will be curses, disasters and problems for those who disobey God and blessings for those who obey Him. These include, answered prayer, protection from harm and divine guidance. The Bible says that believers will experience trials, problems, and persecution, but the end result should work out for the best. A positive purpose should be obvious. Supernatural help was available for the apostles, and the Bible does not say that it would stop. For example, God would help His people to make the correct decisions and find what they need. If we could find people clearly led and helped by God, the benefits would be enormous. They would probably be the ones who teach the truth. They could pray for and encourage us. Then God will hopefully help us to achieve more with fewer disappointments. We could then do God's ministry more efficiently and learn to walk with Him.
     Sporadic desirable outcomes naturally happen to the ungodly. So they are not enough evidence of answered prayer or that God is working in people's lives. Evidence would be a greater percentage of desirable outcomes or answered prayers in the lives of those claiming to be led by God, compared to the lives of those who are not truly born again.
     If a person were fully obedient to a caring God, then working with them should be noticeably different to working with ordinary people. It should be obvious that God helps His people so that they can think more efficiently and experience less of the relentless, chaotic problems and inconveniences that appear to have no purpose. Can you help us search for anyone that can produce the evidence that God leads, helps and answers their prayers (like above) so that the result cannot be explained naturally?
     People imagine that they have a relationship with God and are led by Him when they are not. This is obvious because many are led into error and disagreement. Some verses only apply to certain people or the chosen people. This explains the perceived contradictions.
     Many people are deceived that there is only one step to salvation. Asking Jesus Christ into your life and repenting of your sins is only the beginning. Many scriptures indicate that it requires obedience to God. Just one of many is, "Mat 7: 21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven”. Examples of obedience include the sharing of wealth, not desiring excessive money, not yoking with unbelievers, not serving idols or desiring ungodly things. However, God is willing to forgive if we repent.
     In John 3:16 the term believe must mean that you must believe in and seek to do what God stands for. The Bible says the devils know the truth and believe God exists. Complacency is dangerous.
     The Bible indicates that salvation is a narrow walk which very few will be able to achieve. It prophecies a falling away and disobedience to God when Jesus returns, just as it was in Noah's time when only 8 people in the whole world were saved. Even if we are not yet born again, and have not met or even heard of any born again people alive today, there is still a good chance we will be saved in the future revival if we seek to obey God. I know many good people seeking and obeying God, so there is hope for them.
     The full report with proof is available both on the website and in free booklets. I also have letters, articles and ads that you can share to help us search. I am willing to negotiate changes.
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distribute  Please copy and distribute this information but email me first for details. Shorter articles are available if needed. I have a special letter for your mailing list to help you promote this information.
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changes  I am happy to negotiate changes.
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